Produse pentru contoare de zgomot (24)

Dozimetre de Zgomot Personale - Sistem de insignă pentru dozimetre de zgomot personale

Dozimetre de Zgomot Personale - Sistem de insignă pentru dozimetre de zgomot personale

Personal noise dosimetry at its best with the Pulsar Noise Dosemeter system: ideal for occupational and industrial hygiene noise measurements. The revolutionary personal noise dosemeter is a self-contained noise measurement device which accurately and simply assesses and captures the true noise exposure of workers. This robust instrument has no cables, displays or controls, making it the perfect solution for noise dosimetry. Description: The Pulsar Noise Dosemeter system simply and accurately assesses and captures the true noise exposure of workers. The revolutionary personal noise dosemeter is a self-contained noise measurement device, also known as PSEM, that has no cables, displays or controls, making it the perfect solution for noise dosimetry, because units cannot be tampered with easily or damaged during measurements. Pulsar Noise Dosemeter Reader Unit communicates with an infra-red Reader Unit ... ** Ask for a quote **
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

The top-of-the-range Optimus+ Green has been specifically designed as an environmental noise meter and is perfect for measuring and monitoring exposure to noise pollution and environmental noise sources, including construction sites, windfarms and industrial operations. Available as either a Class 2 or Class 1 sound level meter, built to IEC 61672, the Optimus+ Green environmental noise meter provides everything you need to measure both occupational and environmental noise, to the fullest extent. Capturing the full range of sound parameters simultaneously, there’s no other noise measuring instrument you need to measure and monitor exposure to environmental noise.
Contor M-Bus

Contor M-Bus

Druckluft- und Erdgaszähler mit M-Bus jetzt auch direkt vom Originalhersteller. CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG war der OEM-Hersteller der ENDYS AIR Druckluftzähler mit M-Bus von 2010 bis Ende 2017. Die Produkte ENDYS AIR wurden exklusive über die Hochhut GmbH vermarktet, die jetzt mit einem anderen Hersteller zusammenarbeitet. Die CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG bietet die Produkte ab sofort selbst an. Das Nachfolgeprodukt der ENDYS AIR bietet ab sofort alle Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und ist das ideale Verbrauchsmessgerät für die Industrie 4.0. Die Nachfolgeprodukte der bekannten ENDYS AIR der Firma Hochhuth wurden messtechnisch verbessert und komplett überarbeitet und verfügen neben der M-Bus Schnittstelle auch über folgende weitere Ausgänge bzw. Bussysteme: Modbus RTU Modbus TCP bzw. TCP PoE Profibus, Profinet 4..20 mA und Impuls Hart ( in Vorbereitung)
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

The Optimus Green sound level meter has been specifically designed as an environmental noise meter and is perfect for measuring and monitoring exposure to noise pollution and environmental noise sources. Available as either a Class 2 or Class 1 sound level meter, built to IEC 61672, the Optimus+ Green environmental noise meter provides everything you need to measure both occupational and environmental noise to the fullest extent. Capturing the full range of sound parameters simultaneously, there's no other noise measuring instrument you need to measure and monitor exposure to environmental noise.
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

The Optimus+ Yellow is a range of basic sound level meters built to international standards (IEC 61672) and available as either Class 1 or Class 2 sound level meters. The range is the entry-point for Cirrus Research's well-renowned Optimus+ range. The Optimus+ Yellow noise level meter is capable of measuring the maximum noise level during a session, and provides simple and easy-to-understand data, including frequency weightings and time history. The Optimus+ Yellow is a state-of-the-art noise level meter that has been designed by the engineers at Cirrus Research to meet the very latest international standards in sound measuring and monitoring.
Alarme Sonore

Alarme Sonore

UTILISATION : Protection obligatoire des agents de travaux sur voies par l'annonce de l'arrivée d'un train circulant sur voie contigue à vitesse normale. AVANTAGES : Matériel performant de haute sécurité. ( OBLIGATOIRE sur tout chantier de travaux de voies ) * AVERTISSEUR MANUEL PNEUMATIQUE à 1 ton (Modèle V.A.) - Réf. 1034-1 - Puissance acoustique = 110 dB à 5 m - Fréquence = 388 Hz - Pression d'utilisation = de 3 à 8 bars - Capacité du réservoir = 8 litres L'appareil complet comprend : - 1 pompe à main - 1 réservoir d'air avec manomètre - 1 bouton d'appel - 1 roue de transport - Matériel peint en vernis jaune - Poids = 16 Kg * AVERTISSEUR MANUEL PNEUMATIQUE à 2 tons - Réf. 1034-2 AUTRES AVERTISSEURS * AVERTISSEUR Léger type T (acoustique repliable) : - avec levier de commande directe - Puissance 118 db à 5 m - Peint vernis jaune - Poids = 7 Kg * AVERTISSEUR à Gaz - Réf. AVP - Puissance : 113 db à 3 m / 110 db à 5 m - Poids = 0,5 Kg * TROMPE-CORPS Laiton type SNCF - Réf. 1038 - Poids = 0,3 Kg Fait partie du Set de Sécurité - SEC-1
Măsurător digital de distanță cu laser 70m - DESIGN NOU - Lasere de distanță

Măsurător digital de distanță cu laser 70m - DESIGN NOU - Lasere de distanță

Digital Laser Distance Meter - NEW DESIGN, laser range 70m, accuracy +/-2mm. Under 5m +/- 0,8mm. Measures length, counts content, volume and measures with Pythagoras, addition, subtraction.
Indicator de Umiditate

Indicator de Umiditate

Feuchtigkeitsanzeiger zeigen – in Verbindung mit Trockenmitteln – das Klima innerhalb einer Verpackung bzw. den Feuchtegrad an. Klein, praktisch und kostengünstig: Die Feuchtigkeitsanzeiger / Feuchtigkeitsindikatoren bestehen aus saugfähigem Spezialpapier, welches in Teilbereichen mit verschieden konzentrierten Kobalt-II- Chloridlösungen imprägniert ist. Die Färbung von blau über violett nach rosa zeigt die Veränderung der relativen Feuchte in der Umgebung an. Je nach Ausführung verändert sich die Färbung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge sobald die Luftfeuchtigkeit wieder abnimmt (reversible Indikatoren). Es sind auch kobaltfreie Ausführungen und irreversible Feuchtigkeitsindikatoren verfügbar.
Senzori de Nivel cu Microunde

Senzori de Nivel cu Microunde

Berührungsloser Füllstandsanzeiger, Ausführung Integrierte oder ferngesteuerte elektronische Version für aggressivste Medium und schwerste Umgebung.
Senzori ultrasonici

Senzori ultrasonici

In der industriellen Anwendung zeichnen sich Ultraschallsensoren neben ihrer Zuverlässigkeit besonders durch ihre enorme Vielseitigkeit aus. Sie lösen auch besonders komplexe Aufgaben beim millimetergenauen Erfassen von Objekten oder Füllständen, weil ihr Messprinzip unter fast allen Umständen zuverlässig funktioniert. Kein anderes Messverfahren lässt sich so breit und in so vielen unterschiedlichen Anwendungen erfolgreich einsetzen. Die Geräte sind äußerst robust und deshalb auch für härteste Bedingungen geeignet. Die Sensorfläche reinigt sich durch Vibration selbst und ist nicht nur deshalb unempfindlich gegen Verschmutzung. Das physikalische Prinzip, die Ausbreitung des Schalls, funktioniert von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen in praktisch jeder Umgebung. Das Messprinzip von Ultraschallsensoren wurde über lange Zeit nur als Lösung für die besonders kniffligen Fälle angesehen und galt selbst als eine eher schwierige Technologie.
Tester de umiditate METRINCO M118W - Tester profesional de umiditate pentru lemn cu o adâncime de scanare de 8 mm

Tester de umiditate METRINCO M118W - Tester profesional de umiditate pentru lemn cu o adâncime de scanare de 8 mm

The METRINCO M118W moisture tester is designed to measure the moisture content of wood in a non-destructive manner. The moisture meter is designed to measure the moisture content of processed wood (planed board or beam, finished wood products, etc.). It has the highest measurement accuracy among our line of non-destructive wood moisture meters (in practice, the accuracy is better than 1%). It is designed to work with wood up to 8 mm thick. Suitable for measuring the moisture content of veneer and lamellas. This model has a dielcometric method of measuring wood moisture content - the test sample is not damaged during testing. To take a measurement, simply place the device on the surface with the sensitive sensor and wait for the readings to stabilise. Features of the Metrinco M118W: The device can determine the moisture content of wood products in the range from 0 to 40% with very high accuracy.
Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Măsurător de zgomot digital la preț redus Model 14

Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Măsurător de zgomot digital la preț redus Model 14

The Model 14 (Class 2) Low cost Digital Noise Meter meets the standards of IEC 61672:2002-1. This entry level noise meter is simple to use and is perfect where a quick assessment of noise levels is required. Description: Low cost sound level meter Model 14 (Class 2) is a popular general purpose entry level noise meter. It’s ideal for those applications where a sound level meter would be useful but a high specification meter would be too expensive. This low cost Digital Sound Level Meter is very easy to use, whilst meeting the requirements of the latest international sound level meter standard IEC 61672 at Class 2 (Type 2) accuracy. Because of its compact dimensions, the Pulsar Model 14 is ideal where a larger instrument would be too conspicuous or cumbersome. The Pulsar Model 14 is also useful for the investigation of environmental noise complaints as the instrument features a low range reading down to 35dB(A) ... ** Ask for a quote **
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

The Optimus+ Yellow is a range of basic sound level meters built to international standards (IEC 61672) and available as either Class 1 or Class 2 sound level meters. The range is the entry-point for Cirrus Research's well-renowned Optimus+ range. The Optimus+ Yellow noise level meter is capable of measuring the maximum noise level during a session, and provides simple and easy-to-understand data, including frequency weightings and time history. The Optimus+ Yellow is a state-of-the-art noise level meter that has been designed by the engineers at Cirrus Research to meet the very latest international standards in sound measuring and monitoring.
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Green

The top-of-the-range Optimus+ Green has been specifically designed as an environmental noise meter and is perfect for measuring and monitoring exposure to noise pollution and environmental noise sources, including construction sites, windfarms and industrial operations. Available as either a Class 2 or Class 1 sound level meter, built to IEC 61672, the Optimus+ Green environmental noise meter provides everything you need to measure both occupational and environmental noise, to the fullest extent. Capturing the full range of sound parameters simultaneously, there’s no other noise measuring instrument you need to measure and monitor exposure to environmental noise.
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Roșu

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Roșu

Measuring noise at work doesn't need to be a time-consuming task. The Optimus+ Red noise at work sound level meter makes noise level measurements incredibly easy and straightfoward, as it uses advanced digital acoustic technology to save you time while capturing all essential noise level data simultaneously. The instrument captures sound pressure level (SPL), time weighted and frequency weighted values, and octave band data at the press of a single button. You'll never need to worry about missing something or choosing the wrong function: just turn it on, calibrate it, and get measuring! By measuring every parameter you need simultaneously, you can be sure that your occupational noise survey will be comprehensive and robust, providing the level of detail required for making better-informed decisions and reporting to key stakeholders within your organisation.
CR:308 & CR:310 - Măsurători de decibeli de nivel de bază

CR:308 & CR:310 - Măsurători de decibeli de nivel de bază

The CR:308 and CR:310 are basic sound level meters that are perfect when you need simple noise information. Both meters are capable of measuring the maximum sound level (LMax) and the sound pressure level (SPL). Both the CR:308 and CR:310 are used for simple sound measuring applications, such as alarm testing, spot checks, and very basic occupational noise checks. The Cirrus Research CR:308 and CR:310 sound level meters provide an entry level for noise measurement across multiple sectors, and meet current international standards for noise measurement instrumentation. Both variants provide the sound pressure level (SPL) and maximum sound level (LMax) readings, which can help you determine how loud something/somewhere is without overcomplicating the data with other acoustic information. Both variations can also measure different frequency weightings, which provides more detailed and accurate data than many other basic sound level meters available on the market.
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Roșu

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Roșu

Measuring noise at work doesn't need to be a time-consuming task. The Optimus+ Red noise at work sound level meter makes noise level measurements incredibly easy and straightfoward, as it uses advanced digital acoustic technology to save you time while capturing all essential noise level data simultaneously. The instrument captures sound pressure level (SPL), time weighted and frequency weighted values, and octave band data at the press of a single button. You'll never need to worry about missing something or choosing the wrong function: just turn it on, calibrate it, and get measuring! By measuring every parameter you need simultaneously, you can be sure that your occupational noise survey will be comprehensive and robust, providing the level of detail required for making better-informed decisions and reporting to key stakeholders within your organisation.
Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Modele 41 și 42 de metri de decibeli la preț redus

Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Modele 41 și 42 de metri de decibeli la preț redus

Class 1 or Class 2 Sound Level Meters. Ideal for basic noise level assessments, emergency service alarm testing, sound system installation and vehicle noise measurement. Complies with IEC 61672-1:2013, IEC 60651:2001, IEC 60804:2000, IEC 61252:1993. Optional add-ons available include: Data Logging, Octave Bands and Audio Note recording. Includes a free calibration certificate and one year warranty (extendable to 7 years with annual servicing). Description: Occupational noise measurement at its best. The Model 41 Nova Sound Level Meter (Class 1) and Model 42 Sound Level Meter (Class 2) are the ideal choice where basic noise data such as Sound Level Pressure (SPL) or Time and Frequency Weightings are all that is needed (where integrated noise levels, such as Leq and Peak are not required). This is an ideal range of instruments to ensure compliance with International Occupational Noise or Industrial Hygiene Noise Directives to be used as part of ... ** Ask for a quote **
Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Măsurători de decibeli pentru zgomot la locul de muncă Modelele 43 și 44

Măsurători ale nivelului sonor - Măsurători de decibeli pentru zgomot la locul de muncă Modelele 43 și 44

Part of the Pulsar Nova range of high-performance Decibel Meters (also known as Sound Level Meters) that successfully combine advanced technology noise measurement with ease of use and durability. You can choose from either a Class 1 or Class 2 variant of the Noise at Work / Occupational Noise Meter. Description: Benefits of the Pulsar Nova Models 43 & 44 No matter the task the Nova Models are up to it, they are perfect for the H&S professional. They offer high performance sound level recording and successfully combine advanced technology noise measurement methods with ease of use and durability: - Simple to use occupational decibel meter to Class 1 or Class 2 meters - Faster. Intuitive design means that it easier to use - Stronger. Made with a durable metal case so it is hard-wearing - Longer. 30-hour battery life so you stay productive ** Ask for a quote **
Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

Măsurător de Nivel Sonor Optimus+ Galben

The Optimus+ Yellow is a range of basic sound level meters built to international standards (IEC 61672) and available as either Class 1 or Class 2 sound level meters. The range is the entry-point for Cirrus Research's well-renowned Optimus+ range. The Optimus+ Yellow noise level meter is capable of measuring the maximum noise level during a session, and provides simple and easy-to-understand data, including frequency weightings and time history. The Optimus+ Yellow is a state-of-the-art noise level meter that has been designed by the engineers at Cirrus Research to meet the very latest international standards in sound measuring and monitoring.
Accesorii și auxiliare pentru măsurarea zgomotului - Calibratoare acustice Model 105 și 106

Accesorii și auxiliare pentru măsurarea zgomotului - Calibratoare acustice Model 105 și 106

Models 105 (Class 1) & 106 (Class 2) acoustic calibrators quickly check the accuracy of your sound level meter or personal noise dosemeter making sure that your measurements and valid and comply with international regulations and codes of practice. Description: Acoustic Calibrator Models 105 (Class 1) and Model 106 (Class 2) have been tested and formally EU Pattern Approved under certificate PTB-1.61.4034842, as meeting all of the requirements of the latest International standard, IEC 60942: 2003. This version of the IEC standard is far more stringent than previous versions and so far very few manufacturers have managed to meet it. The two models are intended to calibrate, that is set the sensitivity, of any properly approved sound level meter that uses a standard measurement microphone ... ** Ask for a quote **
Optimus+ GPS

Optimus+ GPS

We’re proud to announce the launch of the new GPS-enabled Optimus+ sound level meter, designed to make environmental noise monitoring easier and more effective than ever before. The Optimus+ GPS builds on the incredible technology of Cirrus’ iconic Optimus range, by providing highly accurate location data for every measurement that’s taken. Optimus+ GPS automatically stores location data with each reading, which can be analysed in our licence-free data reporting software, NoiseTools. There’s no need to purchase a whole new noise measurement instrument to benefit from the GPS functionality, you can simply purchase the module and add it to your existing Optimus+ Red or Green device. It’s also available as a full sound level meter kit. With optimised battery life, the Optimus+ GPS is perfect for taking environmental noise measurements. The industry-leading time to first fix means that it is easier and faster than ever before to connect the module to a GPS signal.
Semne de avertizare activate de zgomot - Semn de avertizare activat de zgomot SafeEar

Semne de avertizare activate de zgomot - Semn de avertizare activat de zgomot SafeEar

PulsarSafeEar is an innovative wall-mounted noise activated warning sign that flashes a warning when noise levels become too high and hearing protection must be worn or in quiet environments when noise levels must be kept down. Suitable for constant noise measurement of safe noise levels. Description: PulsarSafeEar noise activated warning sign is perfect for use in factories, workshops, pubs and nightclubs to alert in real time when ambient noise levels become too high and indicate when hearing protection must be worn. In environments where the wearing of hearing protection may not be required at all times, the Pulsar SafeEar noise activated warning sign will inform employees when Personal Protective Equipment is required and also when it can be safely removed. Weatherproof outdoor version also available. ** Ask for a quote **
CR:308 & CR:310

CR:308 & CR:310

The CR:308 and CR:310 are basic sound level meters that are perfect when you need simple noise information. Both meters are capable of measuring the maximum sound level (LMax) and the sound pressure level (SPL). Both the CR:308 and CR:310 are used for simple sound measuring applications, such as alarm testing, spot checks, and very basic occupational noise checks. The Cirrus Research CR:308 and CR:310 sound level meters provide an entry level for noise measurement across multiple sectors, and meet current international standards for noise measurement instrumentation. Both variants provide the sound pressure level (SPL) and maximum sound level (LMax) readings, which can help you determine how loud something/somewhere is without overcomplicating the data with other acoustic information. Both variations can also measure different frequency weightings, which provides more detailed and accurate data than many other basic sound level meters available on the market.